Large businesses face a relentless barrage of cybersecurity threats, especially when it comes to protecting their wireless networks. Cybercriminals will unapologetically continue to seek exploitable vulnerabilities in your system, making heightened security solutions all the more necessary.

A Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) can play a pivotal role in protecting your wireless network from unauthorized access and potential threats by safeguarding the integrity of your data.

This guide will provide answers to:

  • What is a Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS)?
  • The key components of a WIPS
  • How WIPS works
  • The benefits a WIPS provides
  • WIPS use cases and best practices
  • Meter’s solution

What is a Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS)?

A Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) is a security solution designed to monitor, detect, and prevent unauthorized access and threats on a wireless network. It acts as a safeguard against malicious activities, ensuring that only authorized devices can connect to the network.

Key components of a WIPS

A WIPS typically has several components designed to monitor, detect, and prevent unauthorized access to a wireless network. Here's a detailed look at these components:


Sensors are the frontline defenders in a WIPS. These devices are strategically placed throughout the network's coverage area to detect and analyze wireless signals. Their primary functions include:

  • Detection of unauthorized Access Points (APs): Sensors scan for any access points that are not part of the authorized network. These unauthorized APs could be rogue, misconfigured, or neighboring devices set up by attackers to intercept network traffic.
  • Identification of rogue devices: Besides access points, sensors also look for rogue client devices that attempt to connect to the network without permission.
  • Signal analysis: Advanced sensors can analyze various attributes of wireless signals, such as signal strength, frequency, and encryption types, to identify potential threats and anomalies in traffic patterns and device behavior.
  • Coverage optimization: Placing sensors in optimal locations ensures comprehensive coverage and reduces blind spots where malicious activities could go unnoticed.

Mobile WIPS

Mobile WIPS units offer additional flexibility by enabling security monitoring in areas where permanent sensors are impractical. They can be deployed in scenarios such as:

  • Temporary events: Mobile WIPS can provide temporary security coverage at events like conferences, trade shows, or outdoor gatherings where traditional sensors cannot be installed. User and device authentication helps control which mobile devices connect to the network.
  • Incident response: In case of a detected threat or security breach, a mobile WIPS can be quickly moved to the affected area to provide enhanced monitoring and threat mitigation.
  • Remote locations: For businesses with remote sites that may not justify permanent sensor deployment, a mobile WIPS system offers a cost-effective solution for periodic security sweeps.
  • Mobile protection for employees: Mobile WIPS setups help detect and mitigate Wi-Fi phishing attacks targeting mobile users, protecting employees using mobile devices even when they are outside the main network’s coverage.


The server is the brain of the WIPS. It processes the data collected by the sensors and makes real-time decisions to protect the network. Key responsibilities of the server include:

  • Data aggregation: The server collects and consolidates data from multiple sensors to provide a holistic view of the network's wireless activity.
  • Threat detection and classification: Using sophisticated algorithms and threat intelligence databases, the server identifies and categorizes potential threats. This includes distinguishing between benign anomalies and genuine security risks.
  • Real-time response: Upon detecting a threat, the server can initiate automated responses, such as blocking a rogue device, de-authenticating an unauthorized AP, or alerting network administrators.

Management console

The management console is the user interface through which administrators interact with the WIPS. It provides a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring, managing, and responding to wireless network activities. Features of the management console include:

  • Dashboard overview: A real-time visual representation of the network's status, including active devices, detected threats, and ongoing security events.
  • Policy management: Administrators can define and adjust security policies, such as which devices are allowed on the network and what types of activities are permitted.
  • Incident response: Tools and workflows for responding to security incidents, including detailed logs, alert configurations, and response actions.
  • Reporting and analytics: Use the console to generate reports on network performance, security events, and compliance with security standards. Analytics tools help identify trends and potential vulnerabilities.

How WIPS works

Understanding how a WIPS functions is essential to appreciate its importance in network security. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its operation:


The detection phase is the first and most crucial step in the operation of a WIPS. Here’s how it works:

  • Constant scanning: Sensors embedded within the WIPS consistently scan the wireless environment for any signal. They may also use channel hopping to cover the entire Wi-Fi spectrum. These sensors are tuned to detect various wireless protocols and frequencies.
  • Database comparison: Detected signals are compared against a pre-configured database of authorized devices and access points (APs). More modern WIPS may also use dynamic learning to identify new threats that are not yet in the database.
  • Alert generation: When an unknown or rogue device is identified, the system flags this anomaly. An alert is immediately generated and sent to network administrators. The alert includes details such as the device’s MAC address, signal strength, and location, as well as suggested remediation actions.

This process guarantees that any unauthorized attempts to access the network are quickly identified, allowing for prompt action.


Once a threat is detected, the WIPS moves to the prevention phase to mitigate potential risks. Here’s how this works:

  • De-authentication: The WIPS can send deauthentication frames to rogue devices. This action forcibly disconnects the unauthorized device from the network, preventing it from establishing a connection.
  • Device isolation: Some advanced WIPS can isolate compromised or rogue devices by placing them on a quarantine VLAN. This means that even if the device connects, it has no access to the critical parts of the network.
  • Automatic policy enforcement: Based on the nature of the threat, the WIPS can enforce predefined security policies automatically. This could include blocking specific MAC addresses or disabling certain network services to mitigate risks.

By actively preventing unauthorized access, the WIPS safeguards the network from potential breaches and malicious activities.


Nonstop monitoring is essential to maintaining network security over time. Here’s how WIPS handles this:

  • Real-time surveillance: The system provides real-time monitoring of all wireless activities within the network’s range. This includes tracking the behavior of all connected devices, monitoring traffic flows, and detecting any anomalies.
  • Historical analysis: On top of real-time data, WIPS systems often store historical data that allows for trend analysis and identification of persistent threats. The historical data is invaluable for understanding long-term security trends and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Alert management: Administrators receive real-time alerts for any detected threats. The alerts are prioritized by the system based on severity so that the most important issues are addressed first.

Steady surveillance maintains that the network remains secure, and any new threats are promptly identified and mitigated.

Benefits of WIPS

Implementing a Wireless Intrusion Prevention System is a smart choice for any enterprise looking to safeguard its wireless network. The benefits of a WIPS extend far beyond simple protections against unauthorized access.

Here’s an in-depth look at how these benefits can transform your network security strategy:

Heightened security

WIPS significantly elevates the security of a wireless network. Constantly monitoring the network for unauthorized access points and rogue devices enables the WIPS to provide strong protection against potential breaches.

The system's sensors are always on alert, scanning for any anomalies or unauthorized activities. Once a threat is detected, immediate action is taken to block or isolate the offending device, affirming that the network remains secure.

A proactive approach helps prevent unauthorized access and safeguards sensitive data from being compromised.

Real-time threat detection and response

A key advantage of WIPS is its ability to detect and respond to threats in real time. The system's sensors and server work together to monitor wireless activity and compare it against a database of known threats.

When an anomaly is detected, the WIPS immediately alerts network administrators and initiates predefined countermeasures, such as de-authenticating rogue devices or isolating compromised endpoints. Such a rapid response minimizes the risk of prolonged exposure to threats, ensuring that security incidents are swiftly addressed and mitigated.

Compliance with security standards

Businesses need to comply with industry-specific security standards, especially those in healthcare, finance, and other regulated sectors. A WIPS helps organizations meet these requirements by providing comprehensive monitoring and protection of wireless networks.

The system can be configured to enforce compliance policies, detect violations, and generate detailed reports for audits. A WIPS aids in maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information by making wireless networks adhere to regulatory standards, reducing the risk of legal and financial penalties.

Reduced risk of data breaches

Data breaches can have devastating consequences for businesses, including financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. A WIPS system significantly reduces the risk of such breaches by proactively preventing unauthorized access to the network.

The system's continuous monitoring and real-time response capabilities guarantee that potential threats are identified and neutralized before they can exploit vulnerabilities.

WIPS helps protect sensitive data from cyber threats thanks to a well-maintained, secure wireless environment that safeguards information allowing the data to remain confidential and secure.

Use cases for WIPS

Here are some practical applications of WIPS components:

  • Corporate environments: Distributing sensors in high-traffic areas like meeting rooms and common spaces to detect unauthorized devices. In a busy corporate office, sensors detect an unauthorized device trying to connect to the network. The WIPS quickly identifies this device as a potential threat and alerts the IT team. WIPS also achieves compliance with corporate security policies.
  • Healthcare: Using servers with advanced analytics to monitor compliance with patient data protection regulations. In a hospital, a rogue device attempting to access patient records is immediately de-authenticated by the WIPS. The device is isolated, preventing any data breach.
  • Educational institutions: Activating management consoles that provide easy-to-understand dashboards for IT staff with varying levels of expertise. At a university, persistent monitoring by WIPS ensures that any unauthorized attempts to access the student information system are flagged and prevented in real time.
  • Public spaces: Installing WIPS in public spaces like airports, stadiums, and shopping malls ensures secure public Wi-Fi. In a busy airport, WIPS can identify a rogue device attempting to exploit public Wi-Fi. Sensors detect unauthorized devices and access points, while servers analyze and respond to potential threats.

Best practices for implementing WIPS

To maximize the effectiveness of a WIPS, and optimize performance and security for your network, consider these best practices:

1. Conducting a site survey

A thorough site survey is the first step in adeptly administering a WIPS. Understanding the physical layout and wireless environment helps in strategically placing sensors for optimal coverage. During the survey, assess the following:

  • Physical barriers: Identify walls, floors, and other obstructions that could affect wireless signal strength and coverage.
  • Signal interference: Detects sources of interference, such as other electronic devices and neighboring networks.
  • Coverage gaps: Make sure there are no blind spots where unauthorized devices could connect undetected.

By mapping out the environment, you can place sensors in locations that maximize coverage and detection capabilities.

2. Regularly updating WIPS software

Keeping WIPS software up to date is beneficial for maintaining its potency against the latest threats. Best practices include:

  • Automated updates: Enable automatic software updates so that the WIPS always runs the latest version.
  • Patch management: Regularly review and apply security patches to address any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
  • Threat intelligence: Integrate the WIPS with threat intelligence feeds to stay informed about emerging threats and update detection algorithms accordingly.

Regular updates enable the system to detect and respond to new vulnerabilities and attack methods.

3. User training

Ongoing training sessions for administrators are essential to keep them prepared for new challenges and ensure they are proficient in using the WIPS. Key training topics should include:

  • WIPS features: Educate users on the latest features and capabilities of the WIPS so that they can successfully utilize the system.
  • Threat landscapes: Keep administrators informed about the latest threat trends and tactics used by attackers.
  • Incident response: Train staff on how to respond to alerts and incidents, including steps for investigation, mitigation, and reporting.

4. Unification with other security systems

A WIPS should not operate in isolation. Integrating it with other security systems upgrades overall network defense. Consider the following inclusions:

  • Firewalls: The WIPS should be made to communicate with firewalls to block unauthorized traffic and quarantine rogue devices.
  • Endpoint protection: Coordinate with endpoint security solutions to provide a unified defense against threats.
  • SIEM systems: Integrate with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems to correlate data from various sources and provide a comprehensive view of network security.

5. Advanced machine learning algorithms

Incorporating advanced machine learning algorithms into the WIPS can significantly improve threat detection accuracy. Machine learning refines the system by:

  • Learning from past incidents: Analyze historical data to recognize patterns and detect similar threats in the future.
  • Adapting to new threats: Continuously update detection models based on new threat intelligence to identify evolving attack methods.
  • Reducing false positives: Refine algorithms to distinguish between benign anomalies and genuine threats, reducing the number of false alerts.

6. Future-proofing

For perpetual protection as the network grows, you must future-proof the WIPS. This involves:

  • Scalable sensor networks: Deploy sensors that can be easily expanded to cover larger areas as the network grows.
  • Modular design: Use a modular WIPS architecture that allows for easy upgrades and the consolidation of new technologies.
  • Performance monitoring: Regularly assess the performance of the WIPS and make adjustments to maintain optimal protection levels.

Next steps: Meter's role in WIPS operations

Incorporating a device with WIPS features like Meter’s security appliance into your network infrastructure can significantly enhance your security posture, providing peace of mind and protecting your valuable data.

Meter excels in designing customized WIPS solutions that can free up your network engineers for more intricate tasks. Here’s how:

  • Expertise in design and integration: Meter’s team of experts handles the intricate aspects of network security, which includes optimally launching the WIPS.
  • Customized solutions: Each solution is tailored to the specific requirements of the business, guaranteeing maximum capability. Meter’s solutions also include compliance with specific industry standards so that the WIPS setup matches regulatory requirements.
  • Ongoing support and maintenance: Continuous monitoring enables the WIPS to remain productive and up to date.
  • Advanced monitoring tools: Meter provides sophisticated tools for comprehensive security monitoring from a single patented Meter Dashboard, ensuring real-time threat detection and response.
  • Proactive threat intelligence: Meter’s WIPS solutions include proactive threat intelligence to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

To see Meter in action, request a free demo of our services or contact Meter today for a free trial.

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