As cyber threats grow in sophistication and frequency, safeguarding your network infrastructure becomes even more of a necessity. Businesses must find a proactive, scalable, and efficient way to protect their critical data and operations.

Network Security as a Service (NSaaS) is an effective approach to safeguarding network infrastructure through outsourced solutions.

This article will explain:

  • What Network Security as a Service (NSaaS) is
  • NSaaS key components
  • The major trends driving NSaaS adoption
  • Benefits of NSaaS
  • Challenges of NSaaS (and solutions to these issues)
  • Why choosing Meter is your best option

What is Network Security as a Service (NSaaS)?

Network Security as a Service (NSaaS) incorporates various security functions—such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and virtual private networks (VPNs)—into a unified, cloud-based service.

The service allows enterprises to access top-tier security technologies and expertise on a subscription basis, providing continuous protection and compliance with the latest security standards.

Key components of NSaaS

NSaaS and its chief components are designed to protect enterprise networks from a variety of threats such as malware, phishing, ransomware, and unauthorized access.

The components must work in tandem to provide an extensive security framework that is both effective and adaptable to evolving cyber risks. It’s essential that businesses fully understand or are aware of the following key component of NSaaS:

Firewall management

Firewalls act as gatekeepers, monitoring and filtering incoming and outgoing network traffic. NSaaS providers take on the responsibility of managing firewall policies and updates. They secure the network perimeter, preventing unauthorized access and blocking malicious traffic.

By offloading these tasks to NSaaS providers, businesses can focus on their core activities while maintaining a strong security system.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)

Systems like these are designed to continuously monitor network traffic for any suspicious activities. When potential threats are detected, they can alert administrators or automatically take actions to block malicious activities.

It provides an active defense layer, helping to prevent attacks in real time. Using IDPS, businesses can quickly respond to and mitigate security threats.

Secure VPNs

VPNs are essential for securing remote access to corporate networks.

NSaaS provides managed VPN services that deliver encrypted and secure connections for remote employees. The services protect data during transmission by creating a secure tunnel between the user’s device and the corporate network.

Thanks to the encryption, sensitive information remains confidential and is not intercepted by unauthorized parties. With NSaaS-managed VPNs, businesses can support a remote workforce while maintaining a high level of security for their network communications.

Data encryption

To help you protect sensitive data, NSaaS providers deploy advanced encryption methods to convert data into a secure format that can only be read by authorized parties.

The process maintains data integrity and confidentiality by encoding the information so that it is inaccessible to unauthorized users.

NSaaS helps protect data both at rest and in transit, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. As a result, sensitive information remains secure, whether it is being stored or transmitted across the network.

3 trends driving NSaaS adoption

The adoption of NSaaS is being driven by several key trends that reflect the continuous evolution of cybersecurity and business operations. Here are the three most trending reasons for your business to adopt NSaaS:

1. Increased cyber threats

The rise in sophisticated cyber-attacks has made advanced security solutions business-necessary. NSaaS offers cutting-edge security measures that evolve with the threat landscape.

Using the latest technologies and expertise grants NSaaS providers adaptability to new types of attacks and provides a dynamic defense against cyber threats.

2. Remote work

The shift to remote work has increased the demand for secure remote access solutions.

NSaaS enables businesses to extend their security perimeter to remote workers, allowing secure access to corporate resources from anywhere. Employees are now capable of working remotely without compromising the security of sensitive company data.

3. Regulatory compliance

Stricter data protection regulations require businesses to comply with various standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

NSaaS helps enterprises meet these requirements by offering compliant security solutions and audit trails. These services aid in adhering to regulatory standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.

Benefits of NSaaS

NSaaS offers a transformative approach to network security by providing comprehensive, scalable, and cost-effective solutions designed to accommodate the needs of modern businesses.

Outsourcing network security to specialized providers can help businesses utilize advanced technologies and expert management without significant investment in on-premises infrastructure.

Benefits to expect from a top-notch NSaaS provider include:


NSaaS solutions can easily scale with a business’s growth. Whether adding new users, devices, or locations, NSaaS providers adjust security services to meet expanding needs without requiring additional on-premises hardware. Such flexibility allows businesses to adapt quickly to changes, easily accommodating growth.

Cost efficiency

Opting for NSaaS affords businesses the opportunity to reduce the capital expenditure required for purchasing and maintaining security hardware. Instead, they pay lower upfront costs using a predictable subscription fee, simplifying budgeting and financial planning, and turning security expenses into operational costs.

Expert management

NSaaS providers offer access to security experts who manage and monitor the network around the clock. These professionals use the latest security technologies and best practices to protect the network.

Businesses who use a NSaaS like Meter’s maintain a high level of security without needing an in-house security team.

Continuous monitoring

For a significant boost in the reduction of security breaches, NSaaS providers offer around-the-clock network management and monitoring by security experts. Their purpose: To detect any anomalies or threats quickly and mitigate them.

The rapid response capabilities of these experts enhances the security of your network by providing constant vigilance and immediate action to address potential issues.

Challenges with NSaaS

While Network Security as a Service (NSaaS) offers numerous benefits, it also presents several challenges that businesses must navigate.

The following challenges can impact the overall effectiveness of the service and require careful consideration and proactive management:

Data privacy

Trusting a third-party provider with sensitive data requires confidence in their ability to protect it. To address data privacy concerns, businesses should:

  • Conduct thorough audits: Evaluate the NSaaS provider's security measures, compliance with data protection regulations (like GDPR and HIPAA), and their history of handling data breaches.
  • Encrypt data: Verify that the provider uses strong encryption methods for data during storage and transmission to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Clear data policies: Look for providers with transparent data handling and privacy policies, adhering to strict data protection standards.


Merging NSaaS with existing IT infrastructure can be complex. Businesses can simplify the process by:

  • Choosing compatible solutions: Select an NSaaS provider that offers solutions compatible with existing systems and applications. Compatibility minimizes disruptions during the integration process.
  • Planning and testing: Develop a detailed integration plan and perform thorough testing in a controlled environment before full deployment to help identify and resolve potential issues early.
  • Providing ongoing support: Opt for a provider that offers thorough support during and after integration. Continuous support allows any issues that arise to be quickly addressed.


It is necessary for the NSaaS to remain consistent and available. In order for businesses to maintain reliability, the NSaaS should offer:

  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Look for providers offering detailed SLAs that guarantee a high level of service availability and performance. SLAs should specify uptime, response times, and penalties for non-compliance.
  • Redundant systems: Choose providers that use redundant systems and infrastructure to prevent service outages, which includes having multiple data centers and backup systems.
  • Continuous monitoring and maintenance: Ongoing monitoring is important to help detect and resolve issues before they affect the business.

Next steps: Meter as your go-to NSaaS solution

Meter provides a robust Network Security as a Service solution that combines advanced security technologies with expert management and seamless integration.

Our approach to NSaaS is woven into our broader Network as a Service (NaaS) model and includes end-to-end network infrastructure management.

Free up network engineers from the minutiae of the day-to-day with Meter’s solutions.

By choosing Meter, businesses can enjoy:

  • Comprehensive security: Meter provides enterprise-grade security appliances, including firewall management, intrusion detection and prevention, secure VPNs, and DNS security.
  • 24/7 monitoring and management: We offer continuous network monitoring and management through the Meter Dashboard, which helps in quickly detecting and mitigating any anomalies or threats.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Meter's solutions to network design scale with your business, accommodating new users, devices, and locations without the need for additional on-premises hardware.
  • Expert support: Meter provides ongoing support and maintenance, acting as an extension of your IT team, which includes troubleshooting, network performance optimization, and software updates.
  • Cost efficiency: By opting for Meter's subscription-based model, businesses can avoid significant upfront capital expenditures, turning security expenses into predictable operational costs.

Contact Meter for a demo to learn why we’re the right choice for your NSaaS solution.

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