How an enterprise network performs directly correlates to productivity and communication. Network performance impacts how efficiently data is transferred, which affects the speed and reliability of communications and operations.

Reliable and fast networks enable seamless collaboration, quick access to resources, and uninterrupted services, which are necessary for maintaining high productivity levels.

With such a reliance on network speeds and performance, it stands to reason being able to measure and improve upon them is just as critical.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • What network performance is
  • The key aspects of network performance
  • Core network performance metrics
  • How to measure and improve your network performance
  • What Meter can do to help

What is network performance?

Network performance refers to how efficiently and effectively a network handles data transmission and communication tasks. In simpler terms, it's about how fast and effortlessly your network can transfer data and handle the demands placed upon it.

Key aspects of network performance

Optimizing network performance requires a focus on speed, reliability, and efficiency.

Ensuring high-speed data transfer reduces wait times and enhances user experience. Consistent reliability minimizes downtime and disruptions, while efficient use of resources will reduce latency and jitter, providing a continuous and responsive network environment.


The speed metric refers to the rate at which data is transferred across the network. It is typically measured in bandwidth and throughput.

Bandwidth indicates the maximum rate of data transfer across a given path, while throughput measures the actual amount of data successfully transferred over a specific period.

High-speed networks ensure faster access to applications and services, reducing wait times and improving user experience.


Reliability metrics track the network's ability to perform consistently without interruptions. Maintaining smooth operations and user satisfaction depends on this aspect.

Key metrics for reliability include uptime, which measures the network's availability over time, and packet loss, which quantifies the number of data packets that fail to reach their destination.

A reliable network minimizes downtime and ensures continuous access to important resources.


Efficiency metrics assess how well the network utilizes its resources to deliver optimal performance.

Evaluation can be done through metrics like latency, which measures the time it takes for a data packet to travel from source to destination, and jitter, which tracks the variation in packet arrival times. An efficient network minimizes these delays and variations, ensuring an uninterrupted and responsive experience for users.

Network performance metrics

Network performance encompasses several key metrics and factors that determine how well a network functions. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  • Bandwidth: Higher bandwidth enables more data to be transferred simultaneously, enhancing overall network speed. Conversely, low bandwidth restricts data transfer, leading to slower network speeds, longer loading times, and potential bottlenecks, especially when multiple users or applications are accessing the network simultaneously.
  • Latency: Lower latency results in faster communication, which is significant for real-time applications like video conferencing. High latency causes delays in data transmission, leading to lag, buffering, and poor performance in real-time applications, negatively impacting user experience.
  • Throughput: Unlike bandwidth, which indicates potential speed, throughput reflects real-world performance, often influenced by network congestion, hardware limitations, interference, and other factors.
  • Jitter: Consistent packet delivery is needed for applications such as VoIP and streaming media. High jitter can cause poor quality and disruptions, leading to lag in video calls, delays in voice communications, and buffering during streaming.
  • Packet loss: High packet loss can severely degrade network performance, causing delays and necessitating retransmissions. This can lead to interruptions in service, reduced data quality, and a negative impact on real-time applications.
  • Error rate: Maintaining a low error rate is necessary for ensuring data integrity and overall network performance, as it prevents data corruption and reduces the need for retransmissions, thereby enhancing efficiency.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): QoS policies can manage and prioritize specific types of network traffic, like video conferencing and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), to maintain performance standards.
  • Network reliability and uptime: High reliability and uptime prevent disruptions and maintain smooth, continuous operations. Fluid network performance supports central business functions, minimizes downtime, and enhances overall productivity.
  • Scalability: Scalable networks can adapt to changing demands without massive overhauls, ensuring that the infrastructure can efficiently support business growth, new applications, and higher user loads.
  • Security: While not a direct performance metric, network security is very important for maintaining performance by preventing attacks that could degrade network efficiency, such as denial-of-service attacks.

How to measure network performance

Measuring network performance involves using various tools and techniques to collect data on key metrics such as bandwidth, latency, throughput, jitter, packet loss, and error rate.

Here are detailed, actionable methods for effectively assessing network performance:

  • Network monitoring tools and software can provide detailed insights into network performance. Meter offers a comprehensive suite of hardware and software solutions, including switches, access points, and a dashboard for real-time monitoring and network management. These tools can help in optimizing network design and performance, ensuring high reliability and uptime.
  • Using built-in diagnostics, like Ping and Traceroute, is effective for measuring latency and tracing the path data takes through the network.

    Diagnostics like these can identify potential bottlenecks and provide insights into network health by measuring response times and pinpointing where delays occur.
  • Conducting periodic tests helps identify trends and issues before they become serious problems. Regular benchmarking against performance metrics ensures that the network maintains peak performance and can capably handle increased loads and traffic demands.
  • Traffic analyzers examine traffic patterns on wireless LANs to see how devices are drawing traffic and where from. This helps in understanding network usage and optimizing traffic flow to avoid congestion.
  • All-in-one tools cover various metrics, including performance, security, asset inventory, and monitoring. These tools provide visualizations and reports to manage the assessment and troubleshooting processes.

    Meter’s comprehensive solutions, including their cloud-based software and fully managed operations, provide an integrated approach to network assessment and management which includes automated performance monitoring, advanced hardware, and expert support.
  • Wi-Fi coverage scanners help discover gaps in Wi-Fi coverage, ensuring that all areas have adequate signal strength and connectivity. This is particularly important for large office spaces and enterprise environments.

Tips for improving network performance

Improving network performance requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses various aspects of network design, management, and maintenance. Here are detailed, actionable tips for enhancing your network’s performance:

1. Upgrade network hardware

Upgrading outdated hardware is one of the most straightforward ways to improve network performance.

Ensure that routers, switches, and access points are modern and capable of handling higher speeds and increased traffic volumes. Look for devices that support the latest standards, such as Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), which offers better performance and efficiency compared to older standards.

2. Optimize network configurations

Proper network configuration can heavily impact performance. Ensure that the network is set up to minimize interference, optimize traffic flow, and provide adequate coverage.

Take the following actions to optimize your network:

  • Use quality of service (QoS) settings for high-priority applications such as VoIP and video conferencing.
  • Configure VLANs to segment network traffic and reduce congestion.
  • Regularly update firmware on all network devices to benefit from performance improvements and security patches.

3. Implement network monitoring tools

Continuous monitoring of network performance helps identify and resolve issues proactively. Utilize network monitoring tools to gain insights into traffic patterns, detect anomalies, and measure key performance metrics.

To start, you can:

  • Deploy tools like Meter’s network monitoring solutions to track performance with real-time monitoring and management.
  • Set up alerts for unusual network activity or performance degradation.
  • Use monitoring data to identify trends and optimize network configuration accordingly.

4. Enhance security measures

Network security can directly impact performance. Intrusions and malware can consume bandwidth and resources, slowing down the network.

To boost security:

  • Implement strong firewall and intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS).
  • Regularly update security software and hardware to protect against new threats.
  • Conduct periodic security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security gaps.

5. Manage bandwidth effectively

Efficient bandwidth management ensures that integral applications receive the necessary resources without being bogged down by less important traffic.

Manage bandwidth by:

  • Using bandwidth management tools to allocate bandwidth based on priority
  • Limiting or blocking bandwidth-heavy applications and services that are not business-critical
  • Monitoring bandwidth usage and adjusting allocations as needed to prevent congestion

6. Regularly conduct performance testing

Regular performance testing helps identify potential issues before they impact users. Use testing to benchmark performance and track improvements over time.

When testing, remember to:

  • Schedule regular performance tests using network-benchmarking software.
  • Compare test results against performance targets and identify areas for improvement.
  • Use test data to make informed decisions about network upgrades and configuration changes.

7. Optimize wireless networks

Wireless networks are often prone to performance issues due to interference and coverage gaps. Optimizing the wireless setup can vastly enhance performance.

Optimize your Wi-Fi by:

  • Conducting a wireless site survey to identify coverage gaps and interference sources
  • Adjusting access point placement to ensure even coverage and reduce dead zones
  • Using dual-band access points to provide separate channels for different types of traffic, reducing congestion

8. Maintain and update network documentation

Keeping comprehensive network documentation ensures that any issues can be quickly identified and resolved. Documentation should include network topology, device configurations, and performance baselines.

When documenting the network:

  • Create and regularly update a network diagram that includes all devices and connections.
  • Document device configurations and any changes made over time.
  • Maintain records of performance benchmarks and any issues encountered along with their resolutions.

9. Leverage cloud services wisely

Using cloud services can offload some network traffic and reduce the burden on local resources, but it needs to be done judiciously.

You can accomplish this by:

  • Evaluating which applications and services can be effectively moved to the cloud without impacting performance
  • Ensuring that cloud services are configured to optimize performance, such as using content delivery networks (CDNs) for faster content delivery
  • Monitoring the performance of cloud services and their impact on the overall network

10. Train staff on best practices

Ensuring that all network users follow best practices can prevent many common performance issues. Educate staff on how to use the network properly and securely.

To be thorough with training:

  • Conduct regular training sessions on network usage and security best practices.
  • Provide guidelines on avoiding bandwidth-heavy activities during peak hours.
  • Encourage users to report any performance issues promptly for quick resolution.

Boost your network performance with Meter

Network engineers can maximize their talents and focus on high-value tasks by entrusting Meter with the essential yet routine aspects of network performance management.

Meter's comprehensive approach to network optimization is meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of your business:

  • Automated performance monitoring: Meter continuously monitors network performance, identifying and addressing issues proactively before they impact operations.
  • Advanced hardware solutions: Our cutting-edge hardware, including Wi-Fi 6 access points and high-performance switches, ensures your network remains durable and efficient.
  • Expert configuration and support: Meter’s team of experts handles network configuration and maintenance, providing flawless support and ensuring your network is always optimized for peak performance.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Our design solutions scale with your business, offering flexibility and adaptability to meet evolving demands.
  • Seamless integration: Meter’s solutions integrate smoothly with your existing infrastructure, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency during deployment and operation.
  • Comprehensive security management: Our services include robust security measures, such as firewall management, intrusion detection, and regular security audits, to safeguard your network against potential threats.
  • Tailored network setups: Our network designs are custom-fitted to your business’s unique requirements, guaranteeing optimal performance and reliability.

For any questions, contact us at your earliest convenience, or contact Meter today for a free trial.

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