Network automation transforms the way businesses manage their IT infrastructure by streamlining processes, reducing human error, and enhancing your overall system’s efficiency.

At its core, network automation involves using software to configure, manage, test, deploy, and operate network devices. The approach not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistent and reliable network performance.

Our guide to getting started with network automation includes:

  • What is network automation?
  • Network automation benefits
  • How to get started on network automation
  • Network automation best practices
  • Next steps with Meter

What is network automation?

Network automation is the process of using software to automate the configuration, management, testing, deployment, and operation of physical and virtual devices within a network. It involves automating repetitive tasks and processes, which traditionally required manual intervention, to improve efficiency and reduce errors.

Benefits of network automation

There are several compelling advantages network automation provides that can transform your network management processes.

Increased efficiency

Network automation significantly boosts efficiency by minimizing manual configuration and management tasks. Automated systems can handle routine operations, such as device configuration and network monitoring, swiftly and consistently. This frees up network engineers to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Reduced human error

Human errors in network management can lead to significant downtime and security vulnerabilities. Automation reduces the risk of human errors by ensuring consistent and accurate execution of tasks. Automated scripts and processes are designed to follow predefined rules, eliminating the inconsistencies that human handling might introduce.

Improved scalability

As businesses grow, their network infrastructure must scale accordingly. Network automation facilitates this by enabling the quick and uniform addition of new devices and services. Automated systems can handle large-scale deployments and adjustments efficiently, ensuring that the network scales without a hitch.

Improved network reliability

Automated network management enhances reliability by continuously monitoring network performance and proactively addressing issues. Automated systems can detect and rectify some problems in real time, although human intervention is often still needed to guarantee a resolution before the problems impact users. Using both automation and human correction leads to higher network uptime and better overall performance.

How to get started with network automation

Network automation is achieved far more easily when methods are broken down into more manageable steps. The first step on the path to network automation is to understand the current state of your network.

Assess your network's current state

Before diving into automation, it’s important to understand your network's current state. Conduct a thorough audit to identify the existing infrastructure, processes, and pain points. This will help you determine the areas where automation can have the most significant impact.

For a thorough assessment of your network’s current state, follow these tips:

  • Create a network inventory: List all devices, software, and configurations currently in use.
  • Identify bottlenecks: Determine where performance lags or issues frequently occur.
  • Document current processes: Understand how tasks are currently being executed and managed.

Identify repetitive tasks suitable for automation

Look for tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming but essential for network management. These might include device configuration, software updates, security checks, and performance monitoring. Prioritizing these tasks for automation will yield immediate benefits in efficiency and accuracy.

To start identifying repetitive tasks, you should:

  • Categorize tasks: Separate tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly routines.
  • Evaluate impact: Assess how automating each task will impact overall network performance and management efficiency.
  • Consult with your team: Gather input from network engineers and IT staff on which tasks they find most tedious and time-consuming.

Choose the right tools and technologies

Selecting the right tools is vital for successful network automation. There are numerous automation platforms and software solutions available, each with its strengths.

Meter offers a suite of integrated solutions designed to streamline network management and automation, assuring compatibility and ease of integration with your existing infrastructure.

Guarantee the right tools for the job through:

  • Research and comparisons: Look at feature lists, user reviews, and case studies to understand the capabilities and limitations of different tools.
  • Trial and error: Use trial versions to test multiple tools in your environment.
  • Compatibility checks: Make sure the chosen tools integrate well with your current hardware and software.

Develop and test scripts

Start by developing automation scripts for the identified tasks. It’s essential to test these scripts thoroughly in a controlled environment to verify they work as expected. Testing helps identify potential issues and refine the scripts before deploying them in the live network.

To effectively develop and test scripts for automation:

  • Use version control: Keep track of changes and iterations in your scripts using a version control system.
  • Create a test environment: Set up a sandbox environment that mimics your production network for safe testing.
  • Document everything: Write clear comments and documentation for each script to facilitate future troubleshooting and updates.

Implement in stages

Roll out automation gradually to manage risks and maintain stability. Begin with simple tasks and progressively automate more complex processes. This phased approach allows for monitoring and adjustments, minimizing disruption to network operations.

Follow these steps to properly roll out automation:

  • Start with low-risk tasks: Automate non-critical processes first to build confidence.
  • Monitor closely: Keep an eye on automated processes to catch and fix any issues early.
  • Gather feedback: Regularly check in with your team to gather feedback on the automation process and make necessary adjustments.

Network automation best practices

Network automation can benefit greatly from a strategic approach. Here are some best practices for your business to follow:

Start small and scale gradually

Initially, focus on automating simple, low-tier tasks to build confidence and demonstrate the benefits of automation. Starting small helps manage potential issues without disrupting operations while giving your team time to adapt to new tools and processes, thus facilitating learning and reducing errors.

Through gathering feedback at each phase, you can refine your automation strategies to better meet organizational needs. This methodical approach not only strengthens operational efficiency but also supports long-term success and stability in your network management efforts.

Ensure proper documentation

Documenting your processes, scripts, and configurations will allow everyone on your team to understand how the automation works. It also provides a reference for troubleshooting and future updates.

To create proper documentation:

  • Develop a standard format for all documentation.
  • Use templates for processes, scripts, and configurations.
  • Create detailed guides for each automated process.
  • Use flowcharts and diagrams to illustrate complex processes.
  • Include comments within scripts to explain each section.
  • Provide an overview, inputs, outputs, and execution examples in a separate document.
  • Document each file’s purpose and settings.
  • Track changes using a version control system.
  • Maintain a centralized repository for all documentation.
  • Enable easy access for team members with appropriate security controls.
  • Regularly review and update documentation.
  • Maintain logs to track modifications over time.
  • Conduct sessions to familiarize team members with the documentation.
  • Encourage feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Regularly update and maintain automation scripts

Automation scripts should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the network environment and requirements. Keeping scripts up to date ensures that they remain effective and secure.

To help maintain these updates:

  • Set periodic intervals (e.g., quarterly or semi-annually) to review and update your scripts.
  • Keep an eye on changes in network infrastructure and requirements that may impact your scripts.
  • Use tools like Git to track changes and maintain a history of script versions.
  • Before deploying updates, test them in a controlled environment to verify they work correctly.
  • Clearly document any modifications made to scripts, including the reasons for changes and their impacts.

Train staff on new processes and tools

Invest in training your staff to make sure they are comfortable with the new automation tools and processes. Continuous learning will help them adapt to evolving technologies where they can maximize the benefits of network automation and maintain a competitive edge.

Things to keep in mind for staff education:

  • Comprehensive training: Provide thorough training sessions covering all aspects of new tools and processes.
  • Continuous learning: Implement ongoing learning programs to keep staff updated with the latest technologies and best practices.
  • Hands-on practice: Encourage practical, hands-on experience to help staff become proficient with new automation tools.
  • Feedback mechanisms: Establish a feedback loop where staff can share their experiences and suggestions for improvement.
  • Support resources: Allow easy access to documentation, tutorials, and support resources to assist staff as they learn and implement new systems.

Taking these considerations into account can guarantee your network automation initiatives are successful and sustainable.

Next steps: Unlocking network automation with Meter

Meter leverages cutting-edge technologies and strategies to streamline network management for businesses, allowing your network engineers to focus on other tasks.

Some of the benefits you can expect from Meter’s services include:

  • Centralized dashboard: The Meter patented Dashboard allows for streamlined monitoring of all automations and management of the entire network from a single interface. 
  • Automated firmware updates: Keeping firmware updated automatically ensures that all devices are running the latest firmware without manual intervention. You can schedule a custom time for updates in the Meter dashboard through the Network Maintenance Window settings.
  • Enhanced threat detection: Using advanced threat detection mechanisms, Meter guarantees your network is safeguarded against potential vulnerabilities and cyber threats, providing continuous security and peace of mind.
  • Intelligent network optimization: Leveraging AI-driven analytics, Meter continuously optimizes network performance, adapting to changing demands and providing optimal efficiency and reliability.

Schedule a demo with Meter today to see our network services in action.

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