A successful enterprise requires a strong and adaptable network infrastructure. Enterprise network transformation is the complete process of overhauling your network to enhance performance, bolster security, and scale right alongside your business.

Here you’ll find a roadmap for how to future-proof and optimize your network to meet the demands of modern business.

We cover:

  • What enterprise network transformation is
  • Key driving aspects for network transformation
  • 6 steps to follow for successful network transformation
  • How network transformation benefits your business
  • Next steps with Meter

What is enterprise network transformation?

Enterprise network transformation refers to the comprehensive overhaul of a business's network infrastructure to improve performance, security, scalability, and support for new technologies. The process involves modernizing existing network components, adopting new technologies, and aligning the network with the business’s evolving needs.

Key drivers for network transformation

Enterprise network transformation is driven by several factors that necessitate updating and modernizing network infrastructure.

Understanding these key drivers helps businesses prioritize their efforts and resources to achieve greater efficiency, install stronger protections, and maintain competitive agility.

Here are the primary drivers for network transformation:

Digital transformation: Supporting new technologies and business models

As businesses adopt new technologies such as IoT, AI, and cloud computing, their network infrastructure must evolve to support these innovations. These new technologies enable companies to install advanced applications and services, driving efficiency and creating new business opportunities.

Security enhancements: Addressing evolving cyber threats

The rise in cyber threats demands formidable security measures within the network.

Enterprise network transformation includes upgrading security protocols, positioning advanced threat detection systems, and certifying compliance with regulatory standards. Such a proactive approach helps protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of business operations.

Performance improvement: Optimizing speed and reliability

You can enhance network speed and reliability and optimize network performance by:

  • Upgrading to higher bandwidth connections
  • Improving network architecture
  • Launching quality of service (QoS) technologies

These improvements will help your business applications run more smoothly while users experience minimal downtime.

Future-proofing: Enabling the network to grow with the business

As businesses grow, their network needs to scale accordingly. Network transformation involves implementing scalable solutions such as software-defined networking (SDN) and cloud-based services. These technologies allow the network to expand and adapt to changing business requirements without significant disruptions.

Steps to successful network transformation

Achieving a successful network transformation involves a series of well-defined steps that lead to a thorough and effective upgrade of your network infrastructure.

To systematically approach your enterprise network transformation:

1. Assess current network infrastructure

The first step in network transformation is to assess the current infrastructure. This involves:

  • Identifying weaknesses: Evaluate the current performance, security measures, and scalability of your network.
  • Creating a network map: Document all existing hardware, software, and connections.
  • Gathering performance metrics: Use tools to measure network speed and reliability while also identifying security vulnerabilities.
  • Conducting a risk assessment: Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in your current setup.

Performing these tasks should provide a clear understanding of your network’s capabilities and limitations, setting the stage for a successful transformation by addressing the current issues and preparing the network for future enhancements.

2. Set clear objectives

The next step is to define clear objectives for a successful network transformation. You can do this by:

  • Identifying business needs: Understand what your business requires from the network now and in the future.
  • Aligning with business strategy: Guarantee the network transformation supports long-term business goals.
  • Defining measurable goals: Set specific, achievable targets such as improved bandwidth, reduced latency, or enhanced security.

Setting clear objectives aligns your network transformation efforts with your business needs and strategic goals, helps prioritize resources, manage risks, and achieve the desired outcomes.

3. Develop a detailed plan

A detailed plan outlines the steps for executing the network transformation. To create a plan:

  • Outline deployment steps: Break down the transformation into manageable phases.
  • Allocate resources: Determine the budget, staff, and tools needed for each phase.
  • Set timelines and milestones: Establish a timeline with clear milestones to track progress.
  • Risk management: Develop contingency plans for potential issues.

Developing a detailed plan ensures that all aspects of the network transformation are considered and properly executed. Following this strategy increases the likelihood of a successful network transformation that meets your business objectives.

4. Choose the right technologies

Select the right technologies to achieve the desired outcomes. Make sure to:

  • Evaluate solutions: Research and compare technologies that meet current and future requirements.
  • Consider cloud-based services: Look into a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN), advanced security measures, and other scalable solutions.
  • Future-proof your network: Choose technologies that can adapt to evolving business needs.

Your network transformation supports both current operations and future growth when selecting the right technologies and helps create a durable, scalable, and secure network infrastructure that can support your business’s long-term success.

5. Enact the transformation

Execute the transformation plan in phases to help minimize disruption to business operations. When it comes to these phases:

  • Start with a pilot phase: Test new technologies in a controlled environment before full activation.
  • Monitor progress: Use project management tools to track progress and make adjustments as needed.
  • Communicate with stakeholders: Keep all relevant parties informed throughout the process.
  • Address issues promptly: Resolve any problems quickly to stay on track.

You can test and refine each stage before full-scale distribution, which minimizes disruptions and increases the network transformation’s overall success rate.

6. Monitor and optimize

Maintain security and efficiency through continuous monitoring and optimization of the network. Steps to achieve this include:

  • Regular performance reviews: Conduct periodic assessments to ensure the network meets performance and security standards.
  • Applying updates and patches: Keep software, firmware, and hardware up to date to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Optimizing configurations: Adjust settings and configurations to improve performance as needed.
  • Gathering feedback: Collect input from users to identify areas for improvement.

Both monitoring and optimizing your network are a must for peak performance and security. The ongoing process will help to sustain the network infrastructure and support long-term business success.

Benefits of network transformation

There are several key benefits that network transformation can provide your organization to enhance overall business operations. The primary ones include:

Enhanced performance: Faster, more reliable network operations

Network transformation leads to faster and more reliable network operations. All of the following contribute to better performance and allow businesses to operate more efficiently:

  • Improved bandwidth
  • Optimized network design
  • Advanced technologies

The increased efficiency can translate to faster decision-making, improved productivity, and a more responsive IT environment.

Increased security: Protection against cyber threats

Upgraded security measures provide strong protection against cyber threats. Putting into practice advanced threat detection and response systems helps safeguard sensitive data and maintain business continuity.

Greater scalability: Network adapts easily to growth

Scalable network solutions afford the network the opportunity to grow alongside the business. Technologies like SDN and cloud services offer the flexibility needed to accommodate increasing demands without significant disruptions.

Improved user experience: Better connectivity for employees and customers

Enhanced network performance and reliability lead to a better user experience. 

Employees and customers benefit from improved connectivity, resulting in higher productivity and satisfaction.

Reliable and fast network access:

  • Supports remote work
  • Enhances collaboration
  • Improves customer interactions

All of these points enhance your modern business operations, providing uninterrupted workflows and positive user experiences that drive business success.

Next steps: Enterprise network transformation made easy with Meter

Meter simplifies enterprise network transformation by offering a total solution that integrates hardware, software, and operations.

We manage your network—from ISP procurement to design and installation—so that businesses can easily transition to a modern, efficient network and free up your in-house engineers from the mundane day-to-day.

Our approach eliminates the complexities typically associated with network transformation, allowing businesses to focus on innovation and growth.

What Meter offers:

  • ISP procurement: Providing reliability from the beginning, we secure and manage the best ISP connections unique to your business requirements.
  • Network design: Our experts create robust and scalable network designs that are tailored to your specifications, laying the groundwork for optimal performance.
  • Full installation: Meter’s professional team installs all network components, guaranteeing that everything is set up correctly and runs smoothly from day one.
  • Top-tier hardware: We provide high-quality networking hardware, including controllers, switches, and wireless access points, all designed for maximum efficiency and compatibility.
  • Advanced software: Meter’s network management software offers real-time patented Meter Dashboard monitoring, security features, and performance optimization, keeping your network running at peak efficiency.

Find out more about Meter’s features and offerings by scheduling a free personalized demo.

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