Picture constructing a bridge without meticulous planning—the risks would be substantial, leading to potentially hazardous outcomes.

Similarly, setting up a commercial network without thorough preparation can result in core inefficiencies, expose your operations to severe security risks, and lead to significant downtime.

Such situations often force IT teams into a reactive mode, continuously striving to maintain network integrity and efficiency.

Meter aims to empower IT leaders and network engineers with the knowledge to make informed decisions. From planning to execution, this guide serves as your comprehensive blueprint for installing a commercial network that is built strong, reliable, and ready to scale. 

We’ll cover:

  • What should a commercial network do?
  • How to plan for commercial network installation
  • Choosing the right network type
  • Installing your network
  • How Meter can help 

What should a commercial network do?

A commercial network serves as the backbone for business operations, supporting agile, secure, and forward-thinking functionalities. It enables seamless communication and data management critical for operational success.

  • Connectivity should be seamless. Effective commercial networks handle high volumes of data, supporting daily operations, big data analytics, and cloud computing. They ensure real-time collaboration across different locations, crucial for maintaining business pace and responsiveness.
  • Strong network security acts as a primary defense against breaches and cyber-attacks. Implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encrypted data transmission is essential for protecting sensitive information and building trust.
  • A scalable network grows with your business, accommodating an increase in users and devices. Early planning for scalability prevents future costly overhauls and supports the integration of emerging technologies.
  • Reliability in a network minimizes downtime, crucial for continuous business operations and maintaining reputation. Ensuring network stability through robust infrastructure, redundancy, and regular maintenance is vital for operational consistency.
  • Industry regulation adherence ensures that network operations align with legal standards, essential for mitigating risks and maintaining integrity. Compliance involves stringent data handling, privacy policies, and operational procedures, fostering stakeholder trust and avoiding legal issues.

How to plan for commercial network installation

Proper planning is the cornerstone of any successful network installation. 

To successfully plan for commercial network installation, you must:

Assess your business’s needs

Begin by evaluating the specific operational needs of your network, focusing on the number of users, the nature of the data being handled, and the applications that will be utilized. This initial assessment should inform all other planning aspects. Develop a detailed inventory of requirements to ensure your network can handle the expected load and complexity.

Conduct a site survey

Perform a comprehensive analysis of your physical premises to determine optimal pathways for cabling and ideal locations for network equipment. Identify potential sources of interference that could impact network efficiency and reliability. Use this survey to create a layout plan that maximizes network performance and minimizes disruptions.

Figure out your budget

Establish a budget that encompasses not only the initial costs of hardware and installation but also includes provisions for ongoing maintenance and future expansions. Consider potential hidden costs like energy consumption and network security measures. A well-planned budget ensures financial readiness for both immediate and long-term network needs.

Create a timeline

Develop a detailed timeline for the network installation process, ensuring it includes all critical phases from setup to final testing and deployment. Incorporate milestones to track progress and buffer periods to manage any unforeseen delays. This timeline helps coordinate various teams and minimizes impact on daily business operations, ensuring a smooth transition to the new network setup.

Choosing the right network type

Selecting the appropriate network type for your business can be as significant as choosing the right location for your office.

To help you make a better-informed decision that best supports your business’s dynamic needs and prepares you for future growth, let’s take a look at:

  • Wired networks: These networks are characterized by their stability and high-speed capabilities, making them ideal for environments that handle large volumes of data or where high-speed transactions are integral.
    The downside is that they can be less flexible in terms of physical layout requirements and can incur higher installation costs due to extensive cabling.
  • Wireless networks: Wireless technology offers flexibility and ease of installation, particularly useful in dynamic environments where users frequently move about or where physical cabling is challenging.
    However, they may experience issues with interference from other devices and can be more vulnerable to security threats like:some text
    • Unauthorized access
    • Eavesdropping (unauthorized interception)
    • Wireless spoofing
    • Interference from external sources
  • Hybrid networks: Combine the stability of wired connections with the flexibility of wireless access. While they can offer the best of both worlds with proper planning and support, they also introduce complexities such as increased security risks and integration challenges.
    Effective management requires strong monitoring tools and a strategy that addresses these issues to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Future-proofing: Consider future needs by choosing network solutions that are easily upgradeable. This might include compatibility with current standards like 5G and forward-looking compatibility standards like the latest Wi-Fi system upgrades.

Installing your network

The actual installation of your network is where planning meets reality. To simplify this process, we’ll break things down into smaller, more manageable parts.

Hardware setup

Strategic placement of routers, switches, servers, and other network components is essential for maximizing signal strength, minimizing latency, and optimizing network coverage, especially in large or complex premises.

Consider the following steps:

Map your space: Create a detailed map of your premises highlighting key areas where network traffic is highest. Use this map to identify strategic locations for placing your network hardware to maximize coverage and signal strength.

Test signal strength: Use network testing tools to measure signal strength in various locations. Adjust the placement of routers and switches based on these measurements to reduce latency and improve overall network performance.

Ensure proper airflow and cooling:

  • Designate cooling zones: Networks need to breathe. Set up specific cooling zones around high-heat generating equipment to maintain optimal operating temperatures.
  • Install airflow management systems: Incorporate advanced cooling solutions, such as HVAC systems or dedicated air conditioners, in server rooms to prevent overheating.

Secure mounting of hardware:

  • Use standard racks and enclosures: Mount all network components in standardized racks or enclosures to ensure they are securely held and easy to maintain.
  • Implement vibration dampening: Use anti-vibration mounts and pads to protect sensitive equipment from bumps and physical disturbances.


Using high-quality cables that meet the latest standards is important for network reliability and performance. Proper cable management ensures that cables are shielded from interference and are not subject to physical stress, which can lead to signal degradation.

Label and color-code cables to simplify maintenance and troubleshooting. To ensure the integrity of data transmission, cables should also be run away from electrical lines and other sources of electromagnetic interference.


Here's a concise guide on setting up the operating system, network management software, and security protocols:

Install the operating system and network management software

  • Select an appropriate operating system: Choose an OS that supports your network hardware and meets your security needs.
  • Deploy network management software: Opt for software that provides extensive management tools, such as automation capabilities and real-time monitoring, and ensures it integrates seamlessly with your OS.

Configure network protocols and IP settings

  • Assigning IP addresses: Consider using DHCP for automatic IP address allocation to simplify management or assign static IPs to critical devices for stability.
  • Setting up subnets: Strategically create subnets to improve network performance and security, organizing them by department or physical location to optimize data flow.
  • Configuring routers and switches: Regularly update device firmware. Configure essential routing protocols for efficient data routing and set up VLANs to segment network traffic effectively.

Establish robust security measures

  • Implement firewalls: Set up firewalls to regulate traffic, using predefined security rules to block unauthorized access.
  • Define access policies: Use strong authentication, like multi-factor authentication, to control access to network resources and assign user roles to restrict access to sensitive information.
  • Activate encryption: Ensure all data transmitted over your network is encrypted using protocols such as WPA3 for wireless connections and HTTPS for web traffic.
  • Expand encryption protocols: Beyond basic encryption measures, incorporate IPsec to safeguard communications over IP networks. Similarly, deploy SSL/TLS protocols to secure server-to-server communications and safeguard sensitive data from interception and tampering.


Before going live, you should thoroughly test the network to make sure everything works smoothly in different situations.

To carry out this phase:

Conduct stress tests

  • Simulate peak usage: Use tools to simulate high-traffic conditions and monitor how the network handles increased data loads.
  • Analyze response times: Check the response times and error rates during these simulations to identify potential bottlenecks or failures.

Perform security penetration tests

  • Hire ethical hackers: Engage cybersecurity professionals to attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in your network, mimicking potential attacks.
  • Use automated testing tools: Implement software that scans for vulnerabilities, providing insights into security weaknesses that need addressing.

Execute performance assessments

  • Measure compliance with specifications: Ensure the network configuration meets all predetermined technical specifications and operational requirements.
  • Test Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Verify that network performance aligns with the service levels agreed upon, particularly in terms of uptime, speed, and reliability.

Testing helps identify and rectify issues before they become costly problems, ensuring the network is reliable from day one.

Next steps: Meter’s business network solutions

Why not avoid the daunting task of navigating the intricacies of commercial network installation and just let the experts take the helm?

Discover how partnering with Meter can not only simplify your network setup process but also enhance its proficiency and security, leaving you free to focus on your core business activities.

  • Expert installation: From initial planning to the final deployment, our professionals handle every detail with precision.
  • Tailored design: Our network solutions are customized to meet the unique demands of your business environment.
  • Advanced security: State-of-the-art security implementations protect your network from emerging cyber threats.
  • Integrated management: A unified management dashboard allows for efficient monitoring and adjustments, ensuring optimal network performance.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Our solutions are designed to grow with your business, providing easy upgrades and scalability.
  • Next-level support: Our dedicated support team ensures your network remains operational with round-the-clock monitoring and rapid response to issues.

Contact us for a demo to see how Meter can streamline your enterprise Wi-Fi management, enhancing your business's wireless connectivity and security.

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